Saturday, June 06, 2009


We've all had them, haven't we? And that's what this collection will be about. Those special moments where we KNOW that we have changed someone's life. Perhaps not in a lasting way, but in a way that will be memorable. And that memory at the very least will last forever.

Interestingly, many of our own first memories (of magic)are of an uncle or someone else, doing something 'magical' to us. Can you recall one of those moments when a coin was plucked from your ear. How did that feel? I bet you can 'be there' now and still relive that moment.

Many more magic moments like this happen every day somewhere in the world. But there are even greater rewards to be had for entertainers, wonder workers, magicians. Because of the nature of their business, they make continual contact with audiences and get feedback about their work. I know for a fact, as it has happened to me, that sometimes their presentations can have an extraordinary effect.

the performance of magic
transcends and delivers
more meaning and relevance
than perhaps we intend.

It is these moments that this collection is about. Those occasions when someone has approached a perfromer during an event, after the performance, or perhaps some time later, and made it known just how impacting the presentation had been.

I know of stories affecting children, adults with disabilities, people who were hiding in their shell and many many other circumstances where the magic was apparently responsible for a change.This may be something stunning or somewhat more subtle but never-the-less profound.It is stories of this kind I will collect and post here for your further reading.

If YOU know of any such experiences, please get in touch or pass my contact details on to those involved.

John Gordon

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